All the best 🤍

May you focus on what lifts you.

May you Focus on your health, your dreams, your goals, your relationship with self.

May you grow in strength and wisdom Infinitely.

May you recognize your triggers, and grow confident in the boundaries you set.

May you understand your intuition and May you hear it, clearly.

I wish you every ability to communicate your
wants and needs and I wish you the clarity to see, and know that you’re worthy of them all.

May you learn to trust when it is safe to

May you allow yourself to love and to be
loved when it is safe to love and be loved.

— Amanda Silvera


Reblog; Broken

It is okay to just be broken come home to me just as you are I won’t ask you about the wrongs you have done there’s no judgment here. your past is …


Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day in heaven Mom ❤️

You’re enough


To be broken at times, is part of the journey to being whole.

Brokenness is often what is needed to shatter our false expectations, and return us to the source of wholesomeness.

It also allows us to recognize a brokenness in others that we otherwise wouldn’t understand.

— Omar Suleiman

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You have Influence

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You deserve to rest. Even if only for a moment. Put down the weight you’re carrying. Let go of the need to keep it all together. Take off your warrior mask. For this moment, now… Just breathe.

— Jason Garner

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🇺🇸 Choose kindness ❤️💙

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We’re meant to shine

To the broken hearted

This will feel like the end. And you will swear that this is the break that will finally kill you.

I promise that is only the shade of the sky before the breaking dawn. And you are not alone. You are under His watchful eye. In His loving care. He is the Doctor and you are His patient. This crucible isn’t your end. It is your polishing. Gold only burns to shine.

You must shed more of these chains. More of what binds you to this earth. Because you weren’t made for this world. You were made for the heavens. So you must rise. You will soar. But your wings must be free. And freedom requires struggle.

Rise up in hope, not despair. His promise has already come to pass. He has already saved you. The appoinment is set. But we must prepare and look our best, because on that day we’re not meant to just show up. We’re meant to shine.

— Yasmin Mogahed

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